Price listed is for 100 seedlings.
YELLOW POPLAR (Liriodendron tulipfera) - Pollinator Friendly Yellow poplar, also known as tulip-poplar, tulip tree, white poplar and poplar, occurs on moist, well drained, loose textured soils throughout the eastern United States. Seedlings of this species cannot tolerate flooding for more than a few days during the growing season, and will die if planted in moderate to dense shade. This species received its common name from the yellow color of its heartwood and its attractive, tulip-like flowers. Its leaves are distinctive and easily recognized, with four lobes in the shape of a tulip flower. Yellow poplar is one of the largest and most valuable hardwood trees in the United States. It reaches its largest size on deep moist soils along streams and in lower mountain coves, where it commonly attains a height of 90 to 120 feet and a trunk diameter of from two to five feet. When planted in full sun light on good sites, five-year-old yellow poplar trees may be l0 to 18 feet tall. The tree’s wood is comparatively soft, is easily worked and is suitable for a variety of products. It is commonly used as core-stock for furniture and veneer; it is also used for construction lumber. It is said that Pennsylvania Indians used its long, straight trunks for making dugout canoes. Its straight trunk and symmetrical, spreading crown make it a desirable ornamental species The flowers of yellow poplar provide a preferred source of nectar for honeybees. Squirrels, birds and mice eat its seeds and its twigs and branches are browsed heavily by deer and livestock. Rabbits also eat the bark and buds of young trees.