White Pine 2 Yr. Standard Density Treated D & P - Sold Out

Product Description
Price listed is for 50 seedlings.
EASTERN WHITE PINE (Pinus strobus) – Often referred to as white pine or northern white pine, this species occurs naturally throughout the mountains and into the upper piedmont. It is found extensively in southern Canada, the Lake States, the northeastern states and throughout the Appalachian Mountains to northern Georgia. It grows in pure stands or in a mixture with many other species. White pine is a large tree, commonly 100 feet or more in height and 2 to 4 feet in diameter. In the forest it produces a tall straight, cylindrical bole that supports a crown of horizontal branches. In open grown conditions it develops a rapidly tapering bole with a broad, conical crown of living branches hat extend almost to the ground. The needles are soft bluish-green, flexible, and in bundles of five. It is most abundant and reaches its best development on moist but well-drained sandy loams or loamy clays. The wood of eastern white pine is light, soft, easily worked, and du