Pin Oak - Sold Out

Pin Oak - Sold Out
Item# 211

Product Description

Pin oak (Querus palustris)
The pin oak's range spreads from southern New England to Oklahoma. It is usually found on wet, clay flats and is quite common in the Midwest.

Pin oak has been planted widely throughout North Carolina as an ornamental tree although it grows naturally in the state in only two isolated areas of the Piedmont.

The leaves of the pin oak are 3 to 5 inches long and 2 to 5 inches in width. The lobes, usually five but occasionally seven to nine, are separated by variable but sometimes wide sinuses which extend nearly to the midrib.

The pin oak's hemispherical, light brown acorn is small, 3/8 to 5/8 inch long and is enclosed at the base by a thin, saucer-like cup.

The bark of the tree is smooth and gray-brown until the tree reaches maturity. Then, a pattern of narrow, dark gray, flat-topped ridges are spearated by very shallow fissures.

Price listed is for 100 seedlings.