Loblolly Pine 3rd Cycle Piedmont Premium Family Selection - Containerized - Sold Out

Loblolly Pine 3rd Cycle Piedmont Premium Family Selection - Containerized  - Sold Out
Item# 012
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Product Description

Price listed is for 334 seedlings.

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)
Loblolly pine is the most important timber tree in North Carolina. It may be called North Carolina pine, old field pine, fox-tail pine or southern pine.

Its natural range extends from southern New Jersey to central Florida and west to eastern Texas. In North Carolina it is found commonly throughout the Coastal Plain and Piedmont.

Generally, it is a medium to large size tree 90 to 110 feet tall and 2 to 4 feet in diameter. The bole is long and cylindrical with a rounded crown of spreading branches. It produces a short taproot and an extensive lateral root system.

Pure loblolly pine stands are widespread wherever moisture is plentiful. Although loblolly grows on a wide variety of soils, from the flat, poorly drained areas of the coastal plain to the old clay soils of the upper piedmont, it grows best in soils with poor surface drainage, a deep topsoil and a firm subsoil. Pure stands are common on abandoned farmland, but loblolly also grows in mixtures with various hardwoods and other pines throughout its range.

Loblolly is among the fastest growing southern pines and it is widely planted by private landowners and forest industries for lumber, poles and pulpwood.

The seeds are consumed by many wildlife species including turkey, squirrel, quail, songbirds and small mammals. Older trees are also an important habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker, an endangered species.