Baldcypress -Sold Out

Baldcypress -Sold Out
Item# 063
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Product Description

Price listed is for 10 seedlings.

BALDCYPRESS (Taxodium distichum)
Baldcypress occurs naturally in the swamps and other wet, poorly drained lowlands of the coastal plain and lower piedmont from Virginia to Texas. For commercial forest production planting of this species should be confined to sites and soils where the species normally occurs. However, for environmental plantings, baldcypress grows acceptably on many soils in all areas of the state except in the high mountains. Planting should be avoided on dry, sandy soils and on shallow soils underlain by rock or tight clay. For good survival and growth, seedlings should be planted where they receive full sunlight. Overtopping plant competition must be controlled for a few years after planting. Baldcypress is noted for its long life with trees in old-growth forests commonly reaching ages of 400-600 years. Old trees can be huge specimens attaining heights of 90-120 feet and diameters of 3-6 feet or greater. The tree has a straight trunk with numerous ascending branches and narrow conical outline, making it a tree of considerable beauty. Frequently the root system produces irregular conical structures at the base called “knees” which rise several inches to several feet above the ground. Another distinctive feature is that the needles turn brown in the fall.Lumber cut from virgin baldcypress timber was highly resistant to decay, which led to its earlier use for crossties, posts, boat and shipbuilding, shingles, and exterior trim of buildings. Today, the second growth wood is used primarily for exterior siding and interior paneling. Because of its natural beauty adaptability to grow on a variety of sites, and its wind firmness, baldcypress makes a good shade tree. The seed of baldcypress are eaten by songbirds, waterfowl and squirrels. Older trees provide excellent nesting and roosting sites for coastal birds.